The Stocks 2 – Best royalty free stock photos, videos, mockups, icons and fonts

Best royalty free stock photos, videos, mockups, icons and fonts in one place.

Source: The Stocks 2 – Best royalty free stock photos, videos, mockups, icons and fonts

Ultimate Branding: Give Your WordPress Site a 3 Minute Makeover

As CEO James Farmer tells it, he was “slightly obsessed” with branding Edublogs and each time there was a new release of WordPress he’d spend half a day replacing all the icons and images and hacking out all mentions of WordPress from the admin area.

Source: Ultimate Branding: Give Your WordPress Site a 3 Minute Makeover

Full Page Background Video Styles

I bet you’ve seen it. A video background that takes up the entire browser window. There is text on top of it (hence, “background”), which is an interesting effect that you don’t see every day. The biggest reason you don’t, probably, is that you can’t set a movie file as the background-image in CSS. You’ll have to do some layout trickery to get it done.


Handling WordPress Security


A WordPress security webinar with Chris Burgess

WordPress security is a challenge. WordPress is the biggest player in the content management system market, and is an undisputed player on the Internet stage. This makes the WordPress platform a target, and security on WordPress websites even more of an important subject. In this webinar, Chris Burgess discusses WordPress security and gives you an overview of concerns, suggestions, and tips for securing your WordPress installations and ensuring that you know how to deal with spam, malicious intrusions, plugins, and more!

Source: Handling WordPress Security

Bootstrap 4 Tutorial: Create a One-Page Template

Today you will learn how easy it is to create a one-page HTML responsive template using Bootstrap 4. At the end of this Bootstrap 4 tutorial, you will understand how to set it up.

Source: Bootstrap 4 Tutorial: Create a One-Page Template