JavaScript for WordPress Developers: Getting Started With Objects

Objects are one of the most important and most powerful features of JavaScript and many built-in features use objects natively. Essentially, an object is a collection of properties, and a property consists of a key and a value. In this sense, objects in JavaScript are akin to associative arrays in PHP but the similarities end there.

Source: JavaScript for WordPress Developers: Getting Started With Objects

9 Fresh Javascript Resources for Web Developers

JavaScript is growing fast, it’s becoming more native, but most importantly — it’s becoming more stable. It’s time for us to share another awesome list of resources for our fellow web developers.

Source: 9 Fresh Javascript Resources for Web Developers

Responsive Google Map

How to make a responsive google map from the code

Source: Responsive Google Map

Free Responsive Navigation Menu using CSS and jQuery

After long time, I’m going to share a new post which I found recently in github and it was very help to me in my earlier project. Now a days, all the website owners are updating their sites to responsive…

Source: Free Responsive Navigation Menu using CSS and jQuery

Selecting Parent Elements with CSS and jQuery

There have been occasions where I’ve wished I was able to select a parent element with CSS–and I’m not alone on this matter.

Source: Selecting Parent Elements with CSS and jQuery

10 jQuery Text Highlighter Plugins

10 jQuery text highlighter plugins that make it easier for users to search for specific terms in web pages and apps.

Source: 10 jQuery Text Highlighter Plugins

12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScriptJscrambler Blog

In this post I will share **12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScript**. These hacks reduce the code and will help you to run optimized code. So let’s go hacking!

Source: 12 extremely useful hacks for JavaScriptJscrambler Blog

Trigger a CSS animation on scroll

Source: Trigger a CSS animation on scroll

In this tutorial I will show you how to trigger CSS animations on elements when scrolling down a page. This is an easy effect to achieve with some Javascript & CSS magic.

ResponsifyJS – A jquery plugin that makes images truly responsive, without sacrificing anyone’s face.

Source: ResponsifyJS – A jquery plugin that makes images truly responsive, without sacrificing anyone’s face.

6 jQuery Infinite Scrolling Demos

Pagination seems too cumbersome for some and infinite scrolling is where many are headed. Here are 6 jQuery infinite scrolling demos to get you started.

Source: 6 jQuery Infinite Scrolling Demos